Title 1

As a private owner or company in Quebec, you must include an ecological characterization and delimitation of wetlands and terrestrial environments for certificate of authorization request (CA) under section 22 of the Environment Quality Act (EQA) from the Quebec Ministry of Environment and Fight against Climate Change (MELCC) as part of development or construction projects in a natural environment.
MELCC Request for a certificate of authorization under section 22 of the Environment Quality Act
Explanatory guide - Projects in wetlands and bodies of water and projects likely to modify the quality of the environment or wildlife habitats
Ecological studies consist of:
Assessment of existing data (topography, hydrography, pedology) and cartographic pre-analysis of the territory studied
Ecological characterization in the field of terrestrial and wetland habitats, determination of the high water mark (HWM) of watercourses and delimitation of wetlands using the MELCC methodology Identification and delimitation of wetlands in southern Quebec
Complete floristic inventory using characterization stations
Assessment of the site's potential to shelter threatened or vulnerable plant or animal species under the Act respecting threatened or vulnerable species (LRQ, E-12.01) following a request for information to the Centre de données sur le patrimoine naturel du Québec (CDPNQ)
Inventory of invasive alien species (IAS)
Drafting of the report according to paragraph 46.0.3 of the EQA to be included in the certificate of authorization request
However, an ecological study of the shore and the coastline is necessary for interventions in a water environment under section 128.7 of the Act respecting the conservation and development of wildlife (CQLR, cC-61.1) by the Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs ( MFFP - Authorization to carry out an activity likely to modify a wildlife habitat ), a certificate of authorization under section 22 of the Environment Quality Act (RLRQ, cQ-2) and/or by the Protection Policy for Lakeshores, Riverbanks, Littoral Zones and Floodplains (chapter Q-2, r.35; PPRLPI or Policy).
Fish in all its habitats - Fish habitat: more than meets the eye - greater understanding leading to better preservation
Explanatory guide - Projects in wetlands and bodies of water and projects likely to modify the quality of the environment or wildlife habitats
Ecological studies consist of:
Field visit for the delimitation of the high water mark (HWM) and water environments (wetlands, lakes, streams)
Identify slopes, soil type, existing vegetation and causes of erosion
Determine whether the environment affected by the work is a habitat conducive to the presence of fish, flora and fauna species at risk (threatened, vulnerable and susceptible) following an information request from the Centre de données sur le patrimoine naturel du Québec (CDPNQ)
Inventory of invasive alien species (IAS)
Drafting of a report in accordance with paragraph 46.0.3 of the EQA and recommendations for stabilization techniques favored by law